OpenElec Upgrade to 2.0 (1.95.1) aka XBMC Eden - Conclusion

In my previous post I talked over the experience I had with the initial upgrade. It wasn't the smoothest of upgrades to be sure, however it's always a good upgrade when it works without my better half knowing anything has changed :-D

I also mentioned some issues I was having, specifically the following:

  • VGA Mode error on boot
  • Audio set to Analog but coming through HDMI anyway
  • Thumbnails on my shared drive don't seem to work with the new database, this is either because XBMC Eden index's them differently or that during the migration from the old to the new format, there was a conversion fault in the DB. However I haven't checked this out yet in more detail, could well be something entirely different.

Well the good news two out of three of these issues are solved. Details below:

VGA Mode error on boot

So it turns out that a fix that I had to put in place with a previous version of OpenElec caused problems for the newer version. Specifically the splash screen fix which previously allowed the boot screen logo to display properly however in this version results in a ugly error message. The good news is that the fix is straight forward, just remove the changes that were made to apply the fix at the link above. Excellent! Thanks to Stephan Raue for posting this solution in the previous post!

Thumbnails not showing correctly

One of the changes which happened with the introduction of Eden was a change in how Thumbnails and in general how special locations are referenced and managed. Previously I had just soft-linked the /storage/.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails folder to a SAMBA location however XBMC did not like this after the upgrade. After doing some reading it became apparent that I needed to add a Path Substitution into the AdvancedSettings.xml file. I added the following above my tags:

<to>SMB:// Cache/</to>

A quick restart and the Thumbnails were working like a charm again.

I also after solving the issue found an article on the OpenElec Wiki which covers this issue... doh! My google ninja skills failed me at first, alas, I learnt something new, read the OpenElec wiki first!

With regards to the audio settings. As the audio is actually working at the moment, it's not so critical that I fix this, however I want to take a better look at the weekend. Wish me luck!

If I find anything interesting, will post again.

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