Your Weapon of Choice...
This post is not about comparing operating systems or which is best. However since the final release of Vista, there has been a huge amount of comparison articles on the web. Vista appears to be the benchmark for operating systems since we (the general Microsoft hating public) expect it to be the leading edge in operating systems and every other operating system has to be similar or better. Since we know that Vista is not the leading operating system available and for arguments sake for the moment I'm not saying anything about what I think. However here is an interesting article which talks about Ubuntu Edgy Eft, OpenSuse 10.2 and Vista,1895,2082715,00.asp
"Two of the best all-around Linux distributions to emerge from this process are OpenSUSE 10.2 and Ubuntu 6.10, both of which bundle together the best of what open source has to offer into operating systems that merit consideration for desktop and (some) server workloads.",1895,2082715,00.asp
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