
Showing posts from April, 2011

MC Escher Impossible Waterfall Made Possible

This is very cool, illusion is of course made clear during the video:

Puppy Kiri

Puppy Kiri , originally uploaded by Daniel Maclean . Taking photos of animals is difficult at the best of times, but a young puppy is near impossible. Even if conditions are just right and you have the shot all it takes is for a needle to drop and it's gone... Thankfully she sat still just long enough so I could capture this shot. You can actually see me if you look closely enough at her eyes :-)

Leaves & Soft Light

Leaves & Soft Light , originally uploaded by Daniel Maclean .

World's Biggest PAC-MAN Game


Oii! No Photos!!... Ok then! :-)

Oii! No Photos!!... Ok then! :-) , originally uploaded by Daniel Maclean .

Amazing Android Commercial - Japanese


RIM's CEO Mike Lazaridis & Security

Is it fair that a single company (even CEO) gets singled out about the security of it's platform? Where is the balance between having a secure platform so that your information is safe (from hackers and people that would exploit it), but not so inaccessible that it cannot be monitored by agencies like the CIA and MI5 who presumably have noble intentions? After watching this video, clearly this question is still being discussed...

OooOoo!!!! Portal 2 :-D... and amusing vids

Can't wait for this to come out!!!

Really??? I think you've over sold the weather app just a little bit...

Check this out, HTC Sensation which by the way looks like every other Android phone, also has well over hyped weather application...

Red Fender Telecaster

Red Fender Telecaster , originally uploaded by Daniel Maclean . My first guitar... got this just before Christmas 2006 so I could play at the first big gig the ole band had. Good times.

Kerrie Lynch Is Coming to London!

Good ole friend of mine and fantastic singer Kerrie Lynch is playing finally in my town (and some peoples :-p), London. Details on the venue are below, she along with some other great musicians is playing at the Troubadour near Earls Court, don't miss out! view%5Btype%5D=programme&view%5Bid%5D=2603

Beautiful Girl Deep in Thought

Beautiful Girl Deep in Thought , originally uploaded by Daniel Maclean . Out walking in the park with my niece, caught this great shot with the sun setting and creating a colourful silhouette

More Silhouetting

More Silhouetting , originally uploaded by Daniel Maclean . Really like the blues against the oranges in this shot.